Academic Publications


Peer-reviewed articles:

Beauchamps, M.L. (2021). Doing Academia Differently: Loosening the Boundaries of our Disciplining Writing Practices. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, online first (6 sept 2021). DOI: 10.1177/03058298211031994.

Beauchamps, M. L. (2017). Perverse Tactics: ‘Terrorism’ and National Identity in France. Culture, Theory and Critique58(1), 48-61. DOI: 10.1080/14735784.2015.1137480.

Beauchamps, M. L. (2016). Olympe de Gouges’s trial and the affective politics of denaturalization in France. Citizenship Studies20(8), 943-956. DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2016.1229195.

Beauchamps, M. L. (2016). The Forfeiture of Nationality in France: Discursive Ambiguity, Borders, and Identities. Space and Culture19(1), 31-42. DOI: 10.1177/1206331214560091.

Book chapters:

Beauchamps, M. L. (2017). Modelling the self, creating the other: French denaturalisation law on the brink of World War II. In M. Leese, & S. Wittendorp (Eds.), Security/Mobility: Politics of movement (pp. 189-205). (New Approaches to Conflict Analysis). Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Beauchamps, M. L., Hoijtink, M., Leese, M., Magalhaes, B., Weinblum, S., & Wittendorp, S. (2017). Introduction: Security/Mobility and the politics of movement. In M. Leese, & S. Wittendorp (Eds.), Security/Mobility: Politics of movement (pp. 1-13). (New Approaches to Conflict Analysis). Manchester University Press.